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Hey There!

You inspire me! How you show up. How you move. I am honored to offer you a movement portal to be completely in your body. To reconnect through dance with your natural, glorious Self. It brings me so much joy to offer a platform where you can dance in community and have FUN!

This is Me

Dance is my native tongue, my love language. It has been the vocabulary of my spirit, long before I began studying dance at 4 years old. It is the source of my vitality and the embodiment of my soul.


During careers in finance, life coaching, and writing, I took on masculine traits, always pushing, competing, doing...even subconsciously lowering my voice in business situations to assimilate into the patriarchal culture. It's been dance that's provided me with a way to explore my femininity and reconnect with my yin essence. Abandoning myself to the dance enables me to move beyond my mind, cultural conditioning, and generational patterning to fully embody my true nature. In recent years, I have literally danced my Self out through my skin and back into the World. I have danced myself free!


-Sharah Saltzgiver





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