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Sensu Dance
a global dance fusion
for fully embodied
presence and expression

Latin, Afro, jazz and modern dance style

with Hindi & HipHop spice

Sensual Embodiment

Body Fluidity

Sovereign Expression


Joyful Vitality

Expanded Awareness

Somatic Inquiry

Authentic Presence

  • Weekly in-person classes in Asheville

  • Pop-ups, often out in nature

  • Add to birthdays,,weddings, team building, celebrations, retreats, workshops, bachelorettes....

  • Private guided movement sessions: individual, couple, or groups (in-person & virtual) for somatic discovery, release, balancing, and integration.

  • Workshop, Retreats, Experiential Speaking Engagements (travel globally)

details on Offerings page​

Dance Yourself Free!

Laura Cavaliere

"Taking classes from Sensu Dance is an incredible experience for anyone who wants to connect with their body. Sharah shares movement that makes not only your body feel good, but also you mind and spirit. I can't explain how amazing the shift in perspective her classes gave me at a time when I needed to believe in myself! Her classes and choreography give you a lot of courage to kick some butt in this world. She has an amazing spirit and I feel so lucky that I have gotten to experience her teachings. I highly recommend trying one of her classes if you are looking for a great workout as well as a means of growing confidence in your femininity." 

Tara Tillman

"My Girls and I loved Wedding Warmup with Sensu Dance and yoga. Whether you're looking to move a little or a lot, Asheville Wedding Warmup offers something for everyone! It was a perfect way to start the day, and it left a lasting bonding memory for us all!"


Nicole Massengale

"I just love to dance with Sensu Dance. You don't have to know your stuff, everything is acceptable and we all know how I move if you're in Asheville come check it out! It's so fun to try something new and who doesn't like to dance?"


Audi Keller

St Augustine, FL

Sharah is an inspiration to all who are trying to mesh body and soul! Let her show you the way, she has traveled the path and can help you get to that wonderful place!

Ellie G

“Sharah has a unique ability to instantly connect with women of all ages, so we can dance with freedom to rhythmic music, movement and express our emotions in a fun environment.”


Laura C

"Sensu Dance changed my life. Starting a new chapter after my husband died and dating again, I wanted to feel my body in a whole new way. Sharah’s classes awakened all of my dormant energies. I reconnected with how to feel and move. Not only did I remember, but I learned so many new things about freeing my body for a new life. No dance experience needed. Thank you, Sharah!"





Sensu Dance

an organic movement portal

Presence, NOT performance or perfection


Sensu dances sensual aliveness through your body,  inviting the ease and flow of your Divine expression instead of efforting or self-shaming or hiding...

                    No dance experience needed

The choreography is only a suggestion that invites your body to move how it naturally wants to move.  A practice that facilitates expressing your body’s authentic voice. Empowers embodying your true self. And activates your Sovereign Presence and Best Life! 


Stretching; moving your body in new ways moves you beyond habitual patterns into new perspectives and possibilities. We live as we dance.


Sensu is somatic exploration, release, and integration that shifts and lifts. Here is a safe space. No judgement. Comparison isn't relevant because it's your unique flow. Everyone will look different. There is no right way. 

Come home to your body. Move as your Self.




   Tuesdays 5:15-6:15pm   

                       The Well                          

3 Louisiana Ave, West Asheville

(Across from Ingles. Parking in lot between buildings)



Can use last year's multi-class pass

No Class 9/3 or 9/24

   Thursdays 11:30-12:30   

          Magictown Movement Studio          

115 Blannahassett Island Road #208, Marshall


$10-15 sliding scale; $100 10-class card; $50/mo unimited 

Can pay in-person or online:

No Class 9/19 & 9/26

Pop Up Classes

or cash at event

Sometimes we dance by the river or on a mountaintop, who knows where we'll pop up. If this sounds cool, make sure your on the mailing list to know when these happen. Also, follow on Facebook or Instagram.

Private Session

Do you want to reconnect with your body? With who are? Free your body to move in ways that truly feel like you? Increase your fitness? Explore what being fully present is for you? May be how enter and be in a room with the ease of your innate flow of grace, presence, power?

  • Evolve at your own pace in private setting

  • Personalized guidance for movement expansiveness

  • Supported curiosity. Unconditional acceptance. No need to show up in any way or to get anywhere. 

Access Sharah's skills as a dance guide and life coach to reach into your delicious essence and be there.


$65, one hour session

Private Partner Session

Sensu Dance is luscious, fun Us-time for you and your partner(s). All genders welcome.

  • Reconnect

  • Move in new ways

  • Show up for each other

  • Learn to listen to eachother's body, movement, emotional, and energetic cues

  • Playfulness & Laughter woven in when evolves

  • Juicy, active time together (when ready)

You set your intention for this time together (with support from Sharah if helpful), and Sharah will offer you  it to support your goals.


$100, one hour session

Have a
Sensu Dance Party

Celebrate your birthday, bachelorette bash, wedding/baby shower, team buidling with co-workers, add-on for a retreat your leading, or just blast into the weekend with your friends...with a custom Sensu Dance!

In-person or virtual classes. Travel expenses apply if beyond the Asheville area.

Send Sharah a message about your event and get ready for fun!

Workshops & Retreats

Dance Your Fall Colors
A Somatic Dance Journey of Release, Revelation & Transformation
October 5, 2024 Saturday 10-2
Hostel in the Forest
Brunswick, GA

sliding scale $65-85 pay upon your arrival

In fall, leaves transform their colors, then release their hold to dance along the wind. Come dance alive your colors and authentic expression in the forest.


Through choreography, guided somatic movement, and journaling you integrate your autumnal process, discovering deep personal messaging from the natural world, the Divine, and your body’s wisdom.


You’ll explore letting go of what hides your true form and colors, shedding what no longer serves you to manifest your magic. Come dance within the trees and tap the inner vitality and wisdom that runs deep within you.


No dance experience is needed. You are invited to move as your body wants to be moved and to dance the sweet bounty of your ripe autumnal soul.

Bring your lunch (fridge available)

Option to stay overnight in the ethereal forest in charming rustic abodes. Dorm $40 or Treehouses $55-80 per night, includes dinner. Call 912-264-9738 to reserve your overnight woodland den.

Gift yourself and friends Sensu Dance fun during your wedding festivities:

  • Wedding Weekend Dance Class

  • Bachelorette Party

  • Reception Flash Mob

  • Custom choreography and dance coaching for Bride & Groom's First Dance

  • A great timeout for you

  • Super fun bonding

  • Learn dances you can do together at the reception

  • Dance with your women friends or all genders

Get in touch so we can start customizing this fab event for you and your guests

Asheville Wedding Warmup



Click on videos to view with music



You can contact us by using this form:

Thanks for your message!


Thanks for joining! Welcome!

© 2024 by Sensu

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